Author: Michael Jennings

Micheal wrote his first article for in 2015 and now calls himself a “tech cupid.” Proud owner of a weird collection of cocktail ingredients and rings, along with a fascination for AI and algorithms. He loves to write about devices that make our life easier and occasionally about movies. “Would love to witness the Zombie Apocalypse before I die.”- Michael

Marketing isn’t easy, and if you want to get the most out of it, you’ve got to be willing to get help from a few sources. In many cases, business owners outsource the responsibility to professionals. However, this costs a lot of money and isn’t ideal in the long-term. So, when you want to take back control, you need to find ways to get ahead. Luckily, there are many types of software packages that are beneficial in this scenario. Let’s have a look at a few now. Picture 1 HubSpot If you’ve ever delved into the world of internet marketing,…

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We don’t always keep the costs of running a business at the forefront of our mind. At least, when it comes to the several smaller admin costs we don’t. But maximizing your profits means you need to find ways to reduce these pesky admin costs. Here are some tips for you. Flickr The virtual office You may have heard about this small Internet phenomena called the cloud. Okay, so I’m guessing all of you definitely know what it is. Well, the cloud is a miracle for small businesses. By allowing you to take more of your work than ever online,…

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In 2015 the US Voter Database lost over 19.1 million records to a data security breach caused by incorrect system configuration. In the same year, other organizations including the Lat Pass, Securus Technologies and Vtech among others fell victims. The 10 Biggest Data Breaches and their Causes Infographics reveals the following top causes of data breach: Hacking Accidental Publishing Lost media Leaked information The nature of data lost ranges from: Employees’ and customers’ personal information including their full names, contact information and residential address. Employees’ and customers’ financial information such as social security numbers, salary information and credit card passwords.…

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Playing online has become one of the preferred pastimes of the new generation. Millions of people all over the world engage in games like Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, or even the latest Star Wars title. As a phone salesman, I’m often asked whether a new phone is needed to play mobile games today. And I can never give a short answer to this question, because there are so many games out there, and there are also an incredible variety of handsets to choose from. This short guide will hopefully give the insights needed to decide whether or not you…

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Starting and operating a small business comes with a lot of challenges along the way, but it is more than worth it in the end. In order to make a splash in your respective industry, you will need to find a way to make yourself stand out among the crowd. One of the best ways to make your business unique and attention grabbing is by having a great logo. There are many different options out there regarding logo and logo design, so you will need to figure out which options work the best for your particular business. A vital part…

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There are a plethora of marketing strategies a modern business can adopt, from billboards to digital marketing to promotional products. But what are the right marketing tools for you and your business? Using promotional products, such as custom lighters, promotional clipboards, and pens is a tried and tested strategy of marketing that has endured business cycles from the very beginning. However, there are more ways to utilise promotional products than you think. We’ve collated 5 creative ways that you can effectively distribute promotional products, in order to maximize your brand’s awareness. 1. Hold a competition Holding a competition is a…

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Gastronome or not, we like our food delicious, fast and easy. Thankfully, the past years have been generous to kitchen technology. How is your kitchen looking? Might it need a little more TLC in terms of technology? We’ll get you up to speed with the next generation of high-tech kitchen technology. Breville The Toast & Melt 2 Slice Sandwich Press I don’t know about you, but my breakfast is incomplete without a toast or two. Whether you’re up for open melt or crisp toasties, the Breville Toast & Melt will give you the finest toasts around. Features an adjustable floating…

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Over the last few years, Google has managed to do quite a lot to loosen up Apple’s tight hold over the market and it’s given the company some serious competition. However, Apple’s FaceTime is slick, effective and worthy of being an industry favorite. It’s also fast reaching the point where instead of saying “let’s do a video chat,”you end up saying “Let’s FaceTime.” Still, there’s something to be said for exploring all of your options. Here’s a look at some of the other players in the field. See how well they measure up, some probably more than others: Hangouts It…

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Face it. Machine learning is more than fad, trend, or buzzword. It has real sustenance behind it and is playing an active role in the development of the quality of our lives across the planet. So, is it shocking to know that machine intelligence has a place in your marketing strategy? Your competitors are already using it, and it’s time for you to join the rank and learn how you can use chatbots for marketing, increasing lead generation efficiency and boosting sales. Robots are not taking over; they are helping to make certain things in life simple and easy to…

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Support issues can be automated. This allows businesses to concentrate efforts on other tasks and provide a high-quality service for customers. What Are the Main Customer Support Difficulties? When running business, there are always questions arising from customer no matter what kind of target audience you have – either organizations or individuals. Thus, it takes efforts and resources to organize a proper communication between your company and customers. It is vital for a modern business making client 100% satisfied when dealing with support, so there were designed numerous tools enlighting that task. It started with phone calls and ended with…

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