Several years ago, cloud-based solutions were treated like a magic wand brought to improve accessibility of information and services lowering expenditures on IT. Now that the bright future has come, we are offered multiple new opportunities. And we take these offers for granted using storage and services on any devices anytime we need them.
Such changes in the world of technologies influenced every sphere. It became a milestone in the development of education. This technology boosts plenty of aspects which needed to undergo transformation to make the system work better.
Cloud Computing Makes Education Cheaper
Usage of cloud-based solutions leads to efficient use of IT resources – we can’t help taking into consideration all those improvements simplifying many aspects. As a result, the savings are quite significant. Among them, we can name:
- savings on applications which are no longer needed to be installed on the Web resources as from now on access is enabled by a centralized app installed in the cloud that automatically opens access to it for an unlimited number of clients;
- savings on human resources costs – there is no need in big quantity of technical specialists in charge of computers when cloud-based solutions are applied;
- lowered expenses on equipment – the virtualized machines reduce the quantity of systems brought to enable performance;
- savings on the number of computers and other equipment needed for proper operation process, the same is related to programs and corresponding licenses which were needed for each site, and their maintenance;
- reduced expenses on assurance including software licenses and security measures taken to protect servers;
- savings on the billing method: with cloud technology being applied, you will only pay for actual use.
Such a shift of an accent in education was meant for good. Nevertheless, it will lead to a number of problems for educational establishments which invested significant sums in on-premises infrastructure. For them, this is quite a tricky challenge. They have to make use of new solutions without compromising existing resources.
Cloud-Based Solutions Help to Catch up with Pace
Whether we want it or not, we need to be aware of how to upgrade in line with a technological process. Cloud technology demands little efforts in this concern. The most significant advantages are the following:
- It allows to easily adjust to ICT resources
When speaking about a new infrastructure including all the ICT resources, we need to admit that cloud system offers a brand new approach boosting access to them. Many of us have learned it from their own experience. For instance, when we talk about the distribution of an upgraded version of an application, the cloud-based software allows making it easy if compared with a standard ICT.
- It helps to keep up with changes taking place in IT world
Cloud-based resources help to prevent the barriers to progress in this concern – centralization of available resources and their standardization make the process of changes implementation easy.
- It helps to update materials
Due to such technologies, you can easily update the information stored in the cloud, no matter the volume. Again, centralization and systematization is the main secret of efficiency. As a result, you get documents corresponding to new requirements.
Cloud Technology Provides Better Access to Training Facilities
The traditional “from 8 am till 4 pm” studying process can be hardly applied in our reality. IT tools and cloud-based solutions are indeed helpful as they allow school pupils, students, and teachers adjust a school day circle to their specific pace.
- This approach enables virtual classrooms in a cloud
Thanks to their gadgets and cloud networking solutions, pupils and students have access to studying materials from distant corners of the world 24/7. It enables studying after school, on holidays, and postgraduate studying. For students, this innovation is like an expert writing service offering to buy dissertation online – it allows making progress for little effort. Tutors can easily teach a lesson, distribute materials, give tasks, assess them right from their gadget, be it a tablet or a phone.
- These technologies are compatible with every type of user hardware (with very rare exceptions)
You should not worry whether your device corresponds to the requirements needed to be offered an access to the storage or resources in a cloud. You can get the access using PC, a tablet, or a smartphone.
- Cloud-based solutions enable flexible implementation of teaching content
They simplify implantation of the individualized teaching approach when the aim is to adjust process and material to peculiar difficulties of a pupil. Due to such solutions, students can choose to search for information on their topic on general terms, to select information corresponding to their academic level or basing on some other specific needs. It is very useful.
The brand new technologies were brought to share quality teaching information with a wide audience. They help to:
- Avoid duplication of information
Teaching content, useful applications, and any other materials can be stored and shared – the educational institutions will not need to duplicate materials elsewhere. As a result, they will get well-organized storages of information and resources which will be easily found when needed.
- Harmonize resources when sharing equipment
The technology prevents troubles of incompatibility, as well as problematic integration caused by differences in the applied tools that considerably influences the quality studying process.
- Avoid educational inequalities
Creating a storage of quality teaching content which is in easy access, we build a strong base capable of making a significant influence on education as a whole.
Well, cloud computing software offers plenty of opportunities for improvements to implement in the existing system of education. It will take some time, expenditures, and efforts, but the result is worth it.
About The Author: Crystal Roman has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. She is keen on IT and loves to travel. Today she is eagerly sharing her knowledge with students from all over the globe working for an essay writing service (you can easily find EduBirdie at Facebook). As she admits, her occupation helps her to realize her dream, which is travelling and blogging about education, and she is happy to help others find time to make their dreams come true.