The SEO landscape is constantly changing, but a few things like backlinks never change. Links are still important despite Google’s recent changes in its algorithm. Links are used by Google when ranking a website which is why SEO experts try their best to get more backlinks for their websites.
Though effective, link building is not easy. People who are just starting out with link building should know that it takes a lot of time to build quality links that can increase the search engine ranking of a website. With that in mind, let us take a look at a few ways one can get started with link building.
1. Write High Quality Blog Posts with Trendy Topics
High-quality content is essential for building quality links. Content is what separates a website from others. Therefore, marketers who want to build quality links should develop high-quality blog posts with trendy topics. When a website has high-quality and unique content, people will likely reference it in their posts and they will provide a link to the source. When writing high-quality posts, it should be ensured that the content is relevant to the target audience and the copy is optimized for SEO as well.
2. Guest Blogging
Guest blogging is another powerful strategy for link building. If a marketer has high-quality content on their website, they can reach out to other businesses and bloggers in their niche for a guest blog post. Google values high-quality blog posts on other relevant websites, but one must do it correctly.
Guest blogging should never by abused by creating poorly written and irrelevant content. Blog editors won’t accept such posts. Furthermore, when creating guest blog posts, the focus should not be on building links. Guest blog posts should provide something informative, relevant and useful that readers will be interested in. If guest blog posts are high-quality and capture the attention of blog readers, they will significantly improve the ranking of a website and get more visitors to the website of the guest blog post creator.
3. Create Roundup Posts
An expert roundup is an excellent link building strategy. Not only will it get original content for a blog post by getting a few paragraphs from the experts,the experts will also share it with their audience. Whether the blog post is shared through a link on the website or social media account of experts, the end result will be good for the creator of the blog post.
4. Repurpose Content
Healthy Links recommend online marketers to repurpose content for link building. Creating quality content requires a lot of effort and the content must also be promoted so it reaches the target audience. Marketers can repurpose the quality content they already have on their website to expand its reach.
Information is consumed by readers in a variety of ways. Some like it in the form of infographic or video.Others might prefer a PowerPoint presentation. Some may even like getting the information as a podcast or an eBook. Marketers should therefore make a strategy which allows them to use the same content in several different forms to minimize their efforts and maximize the reach of their content.
5. Internal Linking
Internal links are the secret sauce of link building. There are some pages that struggle to earn links from other websites e.g. product pages, service pages or category pages. While a business may value their product page,it does not mean that other bloggers or websites value them. These pages don’t offer the kind of value that can get other websites to link them. Internal linking can allow a marketer to earn link for these kinds of pages. These pages can be internally linked in the blog posts created for a website. This will direct the traffic from the blog to these pages.
6. Fix Broken Links
Another strategy used by SEO experts to build links is broken link building. Links that are broken cause a bad experience for visitors of a website. If an SEO expert can identify any broken link on a website that once directed visitors to relevant content as perits category, they can offer the domain to replace the broken link with their high-quality content. An SEO expert can alert the website owner about the broken link and provide them alternative links that can replace the broken one. This way the website owner won’t have to find a new resource and they will accept the link.