The cyber security you deploy at home is much more in your hands than while at the office where you have an IT team to lean on. Even if you are using an employee computer or system, there are still things that you have to do to maintain optimal security such as XDR solutions. Here are some of the best tips you can use to improve your at-home cyber security so you can do it securely.
1. Always Use A Good Anti-Virus Software
One of the best things you can do when it comes to improving your at-home cyber security is to use reputable anti-virus software. You want anti-virus software to improve your web browsing safety and more. It’s the single best resource you can use to improve your cyber security on your computer because it will detect things that you couldn’t. This includes detecting fraudulent websites, phishing scams, viruses in email attachments, and more.
2. Ensure Everything Is Kept Updated
Another important thing you need to do is ensure that you are keeping everything as updated as possible. You want to update everything from the programs to the entire operating system. Keeping your operating system fully updated is the only way to ensure all of the vulnerabilities are patched. The best way to ensure it’s always updated is by keeping automatic updates on. This can keep your system updated even if the update releases while you are sleeping (assuming the machine is on).
3. Keep An Eye On Your Network
Your network security is just as important as your on-device security. Even if you are using an employee computer, you need to be tightening up the security of your network on your own. The best way to improve your network’s security is by doing several things with your router to improve its security. For one, you want to change your default password for your router’s login. Your router will come with a default password that a lot of people never change. Also, you want to set up your WiFi network and change your WiFi password to something that cannot be easily guessed or brute-forced. Typically, hackers will look for users that have the default passwords enabled. They will go for the path of least resistance. If they do gain access to your network, they can access your devices internally.
4. Secure Your Privacy
One of the best ways to ensure you are browsing securely on a network is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). If you are doing remote work, this is a good way to access your work systems without physically being there. If not, it’s also a good way to encrypt your network traffic. With a VPN in place, you can easily encrypt your traffic to keep yourself from being vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. It’s a great resource to use if you are consistently having to use public and insecure WiFi networks.
When you are conducting meetings virtually, you are likely going to find yourself having to share your screen. When you are doing this, you want to ensure you are doing it properly. Instead of sharing your entire screen, stick to sharing a window. You don’t want to share anything that’s personal or that you didn’t intend to share.
6. Phishing
You don’t want to go falling for any phishing scams. These scams are sometimes easy to spot and sometimes very clever. These scams are generally looking for personal information and login credentials. If you get emails asking for you to log in, instead go directly to the website in question. Never click and link and log in from there. It could be sending you to a phishing site that is cleverly designed to look like the real thing. This is especially true when you are logging into banks or entering in sensitive information.
You don’t want to share anything personal in an email or even on social media. This information can easily be used against you. Even if you don’t think the information is all that valuable, it could be used to guess your passwords or even to reset your passwords.
It’s also a very clear cyber security issue if you are sharing pictures and other things for remote work. You could end up sharing very important information. You also don’t want to use your webcam or have it accessible when you aren’t using your computer. Try to cover it up whenever possible and block access to it.
8. Create An Optimal Work Environment
You may not be looking at improving ergonomics to improve your cyber security, but it makes a difference. The more comfortable you are, the more focused and concentrated you’ll be. You are much more likely to slip up when you are tired and uncomfortable. Always take breaks to ensure you are alert throughout the workday.