There is no doubt that cryptocurrencies have been one of the latest hypes over the past two years. In terms of investment opportunities, cryptocurrencies are not the most reliable, but the underlying blockchains offer a lot of potential. In fact, blockchain technology is by far one of the most disruptive forces in the world both now and for the future.
So let us take a look at how and potentially where blockchain technology will have the largest impact.
Note that this is not about cryptocurrencies but the blockchains that run them.
Technological Innovation
Naturally, the tech industry was the first to really get caught up in blockchain technology. Many of the world’s leading tech companies are not only seeing the potential that this disruptive technology can offer but have already implemented it. For example, IBM has established themselves as a leader in blockchain adaptation and is already running several major projects based on the IBM Blockchain concept. A project which and many industry experts have reported on heavily in the past year.
Within the IBM Blockchain concept, you can find companies such as Mediaocean that are creating more transparent and safer digital marketing solutions for their clients. Moreover, is using the IBM Blockchain to create smarter liquidity solutions for small business owners.
Learning and Education
Another industry that is starting to adapt to these new opportunities and that is getting established at the forefront of blockchain technology is the educational industry.
mCash is a cryptocurrency and blockchain based in Dubai that is already set to change the foundations of how we learn. By offering new ways to store, handle, and distribute educational material, this project could disrupt the global educational system.
On the other side of the world in Southern California, we see that the Institute for the Future is moving along the same lines with a project called Learning and Earning. This is an educational system that with the help of a blockchain awards students for studying.
Production and Quality Control
The most prominent and fastest moving adaptation of blockchain technology can be found within production around the world. IBM is also a leader in this field as well, and the company is currently working on a blockchain that optimizes the production line of food products from growers all the way to customers. Naturally, this type of solution could be applied to any industry and product, and it already has.
VeChain is a powerful cryptocurrency and blockchain that aims to do just that. The developers have already teamed up with European car manufacturers and are aiming to enter the luxury product industry to help companies and customers ensure the quality of the products they sell and buy.
Financial Security
In addition to offering investment opportunities and potential modern currencies, the blockchain technologies offer new safety features that will keep us clients safer. Today, several international banks are working on blockchain solutions that will help safely keep their customers’ money but also speed up transaction times. Based on this, we should expect to see some major changes in the financial world within the next couple of years.
Optimized Health Care
One of the newer blockchain adaptors is the healthcare industry which is an industry where the potential is huge. The focus right now is on patient information, but for the future, there is a clear path indicating that blockchains could help support quality control for medicines, doctors, and other crucial parts of our health and care.
Final Words
Blockchain will be a part of our future whether you like it or not and we might as well get used to it now. That being said, most of the cryptocurrencies out there will likely not survive in the long run, but the blockchains that support them most likely will.
For people that are in the industry, it will be exciting to see where blockchain adaptation will lead to and especially which industry will be disrupted by this incredible force next.