If you’re thinking about going back to school to get a degree, you may want to consider business-related degrees. Business is not only consistently in high demand, but is a broad enough area to allow you to explore – and get employed in – a number of different industries. From accounting to marketing to information systems and everything inbetween, a business degree is a smart move that could pay off for years to come. Check out these top four degrees to consider.
1. Finance
If you’ve got particularly strong math skills, you may want to consider getting a degree in finance. This niche is in demand and allows you to work at a range of institutions, from companies to banks to government agencies. As you might expect, finance is also a lucrative area, and since the economy is constantly changing, you can be sure you’ll never stop learning about your chosen field.
2. Library And Information Science
This degree can sometimes fly under the radar, but it’s well worth a second look! Library and information sciences equip students with a broad basis in both librarianship as well as information management. Data sciences of all niches are becoming more and more important every day not only in libraries, but in all fields, so this degree could have a wider range of applications than you may have thought possible! As an information professional, you could work in a library or in any other organization that needs and values the development of knowledge organization systems. If you’re interested in how information is stored and managed, this interesting degree option could be the right choice for you!
3. Accounting
If you’re analytical, practical and numbers-oriented, accounting could be the field for you. The best part is, since every business needs accounting, you’ve got great odds of enjoying a wealth of job opportunities upon graduation. Well known for being a highly practical career option, accounting pays well and is a consistently booming field.
4. Marketing
Getting a degree in marketing is a great choice for creative people who are skilled at communications. In a marketing program, you’ll learn how to appeal to consumers to increase sales and create brand awareness. If you’ve got strengths in multiple key areas, like writing, research, strategy creation and analytics, working in marketing would employ all of your talents. This degree could also potentially open doors in related fields, too, such as public relations, for instance. If you’re artistically inclined, you could even work in designing advertisements. This is one field where you’ll be challenged to think outside the box at work every day. Just as with accounting and most other areas of business, every company needs good marketing, so the job prospects in this field are bright!
When it comes to going back to school for a degree, business is a surefire bet. With its consistently high level of demand and its broad range of useful applications, business is an area that holds a promising future. Whether you’re interested in information science, marketing, or accounting and finance, the possibilities for your future are boundless. These top business-related degree options could hold the right choice for your career.