Although we may view loans as a burden, most times they are a huge help when in a complicated financial situation or when starting a new business. They can help with many different personal items, but taking out a loan for a startup is especially beneficial to help it take off. Loans are generally paid back with interest, and can involve other important factors.
Do Your Research
Different banks and organisations have different fees and interest rates, so it’s important you take a good look at all your possibilities and opportunities. Many times governments offer ‘startup loans’ which also include mentoring and business planning. Remember that the lenders will need to know what your position is; that means all your personal info will be needed to make sure you qualify for their standards. Find which lender will fit you and your startup best. Furthermore, don’t be dismayed if you have a bad credit score, as some lenders like in Finland can still help you out.
How Much?
Loans will help you out, but make sure to apply only for the amount you need. Remember you will have to pay it all back with interest, even if your startup doesn’t make a profit. You need to be sure you will be able to pay it back fully and on time. If you take out a loan, use it for your startup and not personal use, and be sure you know what you are allocating the funds to. For your digital startup, that means planning a budget for marketing, website hosting, software fees and maybe employees. Although a digital startup requires less funding than the traditional brick and mortar, it still must be treated like a business.
Beware of the Fees
There is a difference between an interest rate and an ‘annual percentage rate’. Some loans will require you to not only pay back with interest, but also pay an additional fee for taking out that loan. In order to make sure you know what you’re paying for, here are some ways to check out the APR of the loan you’re taking out.
Take Care of Your Credit Score
When you take out a loan, the lender will likely record it to the bureau on a credit report – whether personal or for business. Making payments on time will continually contribute to a good credit score and a positive history. However, if you don’t pay it back on time, this could affect your score negatively and impact your ability to take out more loans in the future. For this reason, make sure you know what your startup needs and when.
Loans are a great way to help your digital startup get off the ground and take care of short-term financial needs. Loans can be quite flexible and adapt to exactly what your business needs. However, the lack of restrictions can be dangerous if not handled correctly, so be sure to have a plan and accept the advice from digital marketers and other online business owners.