Author: Michael Jennings

Micheal wrote his first article for in 2015 and now calls himself a “tech cupid.” Proud owner of a weird collection of cocktail ingredients and rings, along with a fascination for AI and algorithms. He loves to write about devices that make our life easier and occasionally about movies. “Would love to witness the Zombie Apocalypse before I die.”- Michael

When you work on a project with a team, you need a proper system that can track all the moving parts: tasks, assignments, documents and deadlines. Doing all this manually eats up a lot of time, and human error often results in both time and money lost. That’s why it’s so important to choose your project management tool carefully, and make sure the software you use provides you with the best features and custom options. In this post we are going to take a look at Wrike, a cloud-based project management software that lets you easily organize all your work…

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Poor tech hygiene can be damaging to a number of aspects with a business, so below are some pointers to help you create a squeaky clean culture when it comes to your IT! Use 2 step authentication for ALL cloud based and online accounts This is one of the most prevalent steps that you can take to prevent your accounts from being hacked. Unfortunately cyber criminals are the best at what they do, they have quickly created algorithms that will crack your passwords in a matter of months, even if you have passed the programs ‘strength test’ using upper and…

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2014 was one of the worst years for hacks, with the most infamous occurring at Sony Pictures Entertainment, costing the company in excess of $15 million. However, while hacking is no new phenomenon – the notorious online community Anonymous have been undertaking hits since 2006 – it is an issue of growing concern, particularly for businesses. In the business world, there is a common misconception that small companies lack value and therefore, hackers primarily target large multi-national corporations or groups. In fact, research has shown that small businesses and SMEs are hit by a disproportionately large number of bots, accounting…

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When you hear the word ‘telemarketing’ it’s easy to imagine those irritating calls that stop you during a productive moment for a completely irrelevant pitch, disturbing us at the most inconvenient times. But thanks to new regulations, Cold Calling is being clamped down along with nuisance text messages, imposing fines of up to £500,000 on companies that choose to ignore requests not to be contacted. Unfortunately cold calling has damaged the reputation of telemarketing, which is why numerous companies feel uneasy about using this traditional form of marketing against the much less intrusive methods of digital. With such large fines…

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Exhibiting at a trade event is a costly marketing method to many small businesses, and takes a large sum out of an already limited marketing budget. But the old days of sitting behind a table with a few ill designed roller banners, selling your heart out to potential customers, have been and gone, as thanks to updated customer insights and new technologies, the tech trends of 2015 are enabling businesses to gain maximum exposure and establish a more authentic relationships with both existing customers and potential leads. Movie Moments Trade shows can really put your marketing efforts to the test,…

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If you are one of those lucky blog owners who have high traffic generating sites, you definitely cannot host them on poor hosting service providers with terrible customer service. To ensure your website runs smoothly to reach out to your audience you need a website that has no down time. If I were to give you numbers, there are more than 700 hosting service providers and less than 1% of them are worth investing money in them. When you think of that 1% best hosting providers, it is easy to believe they charge a premium to host websites. Host1Plus is…

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Have you ever wondered how your neighborhood aunty aces the whole bargaining skill? How she manages to haggle and hassle her way into getting the best deals in town without sweating it out? Whereas you on the other hand, go from store to store in search of the ideal purchase within the set budget and sometimes, still fail to score to deal! We’ll run you through 6 best savvy tips to save money by negotiating. Economic payment Rather than paying for item individually or paying in installments, try getting over with the payment all at once. Many a times, merchants…

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If you’re a business owner or a blogger in general, you’d probably know the benefits of a landing page on converting the reader or buyer. A landing page helps you to convert your visitor to buy your product, subscribe to your email list, download your lead magnet, etc. Today, I’m going to compare two very popular landing page builders, GetResponse and HubSpot. We’ll see the features, pricing and support that these two provide. GetResponse landing page GetResponse has a pretty good landing page creator that is the best value for money. It offers simple to use, drag and drop editor…

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For those who are unfamiliar with, or new to, the world of forex trading, MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 are little more than a collection of letters separated by a single numerical digit. They mean nothing in real terms. Yet to those in the know, MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 are the technologies underpinning the entire foreign exchange market, and the subject of lengthy controversy. So what is the difference between these two software behemoths? Interestingly, and perhaps obviously considering their names, MetaTrader 5 was initially envisaged as the successor of MetaTrader 4, yet in an unforeseen twist the two…

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This decade has seen a massive revolution in Big Data, fueling the growth of Big Data tools, techniques and platforms. On a daily basis, data is continually mined from all aspects of our lives; our usage of credit cards, banking applications, e-commerce, televisions and computers is helping to analyze trends and identify opportunities. Information gleaned from Big Data promises to change the world as we know it…. with all kinds of amazing applications being created in the public realm. Organizations are investing in developing skills of the work force by offering them Hadoop training. In a much publicizing example, retail…

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